Free "Compassion and Social Justice" Webinar Offered for MSC Teachers

Free "Compassion and Social Justice" Webinar Offered for MSC Teachers

Through a collaboration with the Courage of Care organization, CMSC is proud to sponsor this free webinar for MSC teachers to explore an important and timely topic. Please consider joining us on February 11, 2019 from 5-6 pm Pacific Time for this Zoom webinar offered by two leaders in the field.

“Justice is what love looks like in public”

- Cornell West

We are living in trying times. We at Courage of Care believe we have the capacity to respond to the enormous social, economic and environmental challenges before us from a radical stance of love and compassion. Many great teachers have pointed to the importance of deep spiritual work for sustainable social change. If we do not cultivate our capacity for compassion and care, we may end up recreating the very structures of oppression we wish to dismantle. Likewise, without a critical systems lens, spiritual practitioners may recreate patterns of oppression and othering that limit liberation for all. Our mission is to empower both personal and social transformation by providing deep contemplative training coupled with powerful tools for systemic change. In this session, participants will engage with our blueprint for transformation - Love, See, Heal, Re-Envision and Act - through experiential practices that include envisioning the beloved community, receiving care and support, recognizing and challenging oppressive stances, undoing internalized oppression, and healing—for all people, wherever they fall in oppressor/oppressed dynamics.

Compassion and Social Justice: What’s Love Got to Do With It?

Free Zoom Webinar Offered for MSC Teachers

February 11, 2019 5-6 pm Pacific Time

Through a collaboration with the Courage of Care organization, CMSC is proud to sponsor this free webinar for MSC teachers to explore an important and timely topic. Please consider joining us.

Reserve your spot now.


Veta Goler, PhD, has been a faculty member at Spelman College for 30 years. A longtime meditator, she is committed to helping others discover the ways contemplative practices can enrich their lives. Veta is a Courage of Care Coalition faculty member and a Center for Courage & Renewal facilitator. Kelly Conroy Moore, PhD has worked as an educator, psychotherapist and social worker for over 25 years. As a longtime practitioner, she has incorporated contemplative practices in her work with students, faculty and parents. She is currently a Courage of Care faculty member and facilitator and leads workshops and groups in the Seattle area. Sign up to reserve your spot in this important free webinar. If you cannot attend live, please sign up anyway and you will receive a link to a recording of the webinar within a few days.

Sign up here:

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