Teacher Festival Videos and Supporting Documents Now Available!

You can now enjoy all the recorded sessions of the 2018 MSC Teacher Festival! Please click here and log in to access the videos on Power School Learning. If you require assistance logging into PSL, please contact kim@centerformsc.org.

For those who were not able to attend the Teacher Festival in person this year, you may wish to start looking ahead to our second MSC Teacher Festival, which we are tentatively planning for Toronto in 2020.

Visit the Teacher Resource Page now

Available videos:

  • Teacher Festival Soft Landing and Introduction to Festival Weekend with Christine Braehler (15 min.)
  • “Common Humanity on a Global Scale” with Chris Germer (30 min.)
  • “Yin and Yang of Self-Compassion” with Kristin Neff (30 min.)
  • “What Does Personal Practice Matter?” with Tina Gibson (20 min.)
  • “Understanding Backdraft” with Christine Braehler (30 min.)
  • “Grounded Like an Oak: Practicing and Embodying Equanimity” with Christiane Wolf (30 min.)
  • Teacher Festival Closing with Christine Braehler (30 min.)
  • Teacher Festival Overview (4 min.)
  • Interview with Chris and Kristin: MSC’s origin story and more (15 min)

Available Supporting Documents and information:

  • “Equanimity” definition by Christiane Wolf
  • “Backdraft” by Christine Braehler (PDF)
  • “Enquiry” by Steve Hickman (PDF)
  • DRU Yoga
  • Poetry by Mary Younger
  • “5 Rhythms” music playlist by Christiane Wolf (see below)
  • Song texts by Miranda van Schadewijk

Visit the Teacher Resource Page now

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