Translators Link CMSC to the World

CMSC now has five “official languages” in which we offer the Teacher Guide and MSC Teacher Training, and another one coming soon (in Dutch). Furthermore, there are at twelve other translations that are considered “unofficial.” As you can imagine, it is a monumental job to translate the Teacher Guide and Course Handouts into a new language, and this work is being done by a virtual army of willing volunteer MSC teachers across the globe. CMSC wishes to thank those translators for your many hours of dedication to the MSC program through your diligent and careful work in translation of the curriculum and various other documents into your native language. You are doing important work toward spreading the powerful practice of self-compassion throughout the world. In many ways, you are the most important “link in the chain” between the Center for MSC and the people who need the practice most all around the world.

Moving forward, CMSC would like to support our translators even better and really build community amongst the group. So, dear translators, please watch for an email to you, inviting you to get together on a Zoom meeting later in March. Also, if you have done translations for CMSC and have not been contacted recently about this effort, please contact Mirjam Luthe (our CMSC Translations Coordinator) at to be added to our official list and to be included in our community of translators.  

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