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Self-Compassion for Parents: Nurture Your Child by Caring for Yourself

by Mara Elwood
CMSC Correspondent

Parenting can be one of the planet’s toughest jobs. In her forthcoming book, Susan M. Pollak, MTS, EdD, shares practical strategies and practices for the parenting journey, all based on a foundation of self-compassion and acceptance that we are enough, just as we are. Interview with CMSC Correspondent, Mara Elwood

Approaching Back Pain with Self-Compassion

By Lyndi Smith
Low-back pain is a big deal. An estimated 80% of the population will suffer from back pain at some point. Read five self-compassionate responses that can help.

6 Ways Dogs Teach Us Self-Compassion

A recent study examined the effects of dog ownership on veterans with symptoms of post-traumatic stress. This research suggests that being a dog owner may be a way to access and cultivate the warmth and comfort provided by self-compassion through connecting with the loving presence of a canine friend.

Taking to the Road With an Open Heart: Adventures in Mindfulness and Self-Compassion in Vietnam

Written by Cassondra Graff, M.S., LCSW

Something inside me said “Go!” So I did.

I went to Vietnam in the Spring of 2018 with an international delegation of like-minded people with two objectives: firstly, to bring the Mindful Self-Compassion, MSC program to Vietnam and make the program more accessible to the locals; and secondly to enable Vietnam to self-sustain MSC programs in the future. We would ultimately achieve these objectives with our Vietnamese partners and the generosity of people from all over the world…

Self-Compassionate Parenting Through Addiction Recovery

by Catherine Polan Orzech
Mothers in recovery face the challenges as parents that others of us will never have to face. But they also face many of the same internal hurdles that bedevil all parents. We can learn from them, and with them, how learning to parent ourselves with mindfulness and compassion can help us engage with and recover from our own daily challenges in the amazing journey of being a parent.

Free Webinar: Recruiting Men for Your Self-Compassion Courses

As an MSC teacher, you have no doubt noticed that men tend to be a very small percentage of your classes. Learn more about the particular challenges most men face when considering and participating in MSC classes. This webinar will provide information about some of the underlying causes of this tendency as well as possible ways to engage men more effectively.

Why Women Need Fierce Self-Compassion

Written by Dr. Kristin Neff
In many ways the #MeToo movement can be seen as the collective arising of female yang. We are finally speaking up to protect ourselves, our sisters, our daughters and sons. Thank goodness. Women need to fully embrace and integrate both tender and fierce compassion if we are ever going to free ourselves from patriarchy.

Planting Seeds of Compassion in Israel

In my home country of Israel, as we watched the COVID virus touch so many families and friends, a group of women friends and I created a new compassion program to help our community cultivate inner peace. We called it “Planting Seeds of Compassion” and offered it as a bilingual program taught in Hebrew and Arabic for Jews and Arabs in Israel.

Healing into Compassionate Parenting

Show of Hands: Who is a Stellar Parent during this time of a global pandemic, the Black Lives Matter movement for racial justice, and increasingly toxic and violent political fissure…

The Near and Far Enemies of Fierce Compassion

Practitioners of compassion inevitably ask, “What specific actions should I take?” to address injustice in their lives. Cultivating the qualities of mindfulness, common humanity and kindness is a good foundation for compassionate action, and when we add a measure of wisdom, we can surely change the world for the better.

Self-Love is an Antidote to Self-Pity

Self-Love is an Antidote to Self-Pity: An Interview with Kristin Neff and Chris Germer about Self-Compassion HAPPINEZ International magazine, Issue 18, December 2019 [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]…

Chapter 7: Being A Compassionate Teacher (Excerpt)

Another installment of our series of excerpts from “Teaching the Mindful Self-Compassion Program: A Guide for Professionals” by Chris Germer and Kristin Neff. Translations of the Professional Guide are forthcoming throughout 2020 and 2021. Here is the chapter on embodying compassion.

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