
CMSC Seeking MSC Teachers with Classroom Experience

CMSC is seeking experienced MSC teachers who are either current or former classroom teachers, or people who have extensive experience in working with educators in a professional capacity who might be interested in being a paid facilitator for an online program in early 2020, helping teach self-compassion to teachers.

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Mindful Self-Compassion

This excerpt from Chapter 1 of Teaching the Mindful Self-Compassion Program: A Guide for Professionals, explains some of the essential elements of the Mindful Self-Compassion program and answers frequently asked questions. May this Professional Guide serve you and inform your teaching!

Teen MSC Program Now Officially a Program of CMSC

CMSC, Karen Bluth, and Lorraine Hobbs are pleased to announce that Mindful Self-Compassion for Teens is now being solely managed and directed by CMSC. We expect that this move will provide a boost to this unique program that is already touching and inspiring teens around the globe, with over 200 MSC-T teachers having been trained thus far.

The Little Book of Self-Compassion

The Little Book of Self-Compassion by MSC Teacher, Kathryn Lovewell was born out of the desire to share the transformative power, potency and accessibility of Mindful Self-Compassion. It is intended as a deep bow to Chris and Kristin’s work and a “first step” for all those who want kindness inside, but don’t know or believe it is possible.

Sense & Savour With Your MSC Colleagues in Bordeaux

Please join us in Bordeaux, France in October 2020, to share, practice, and learn together with other MSC teachers from around the world. The Sense & Savour retreat is a safe, fun, and creative haven for Mindful Self-Compassion teachers from all around the world who wish to exchange ideas and best practices, refresh personal practice, and learn new ways to promote and market our programs.

Last Call to Join Pilot MSC Teachers’ Practicum

If you’re an MSC Teacher-in-Training but have yet to teach your first group, this is a wonderful opportunity to immerse in the detail of the entire 8-week program in a supportive learning environment before taking the course out into the wider world. Participants learn together to meet the inevitable bumps and surprises of teaching MSC while held safely by experienced senior teachers and in the company of fellow Teachers-in-Training.

Break the Cycle of Anxious Thinking and Get the Sleep You Need: Mindfulness for Insomnia

There are few things that can bring out our common humanity more than the maddening struggle with sleeplessness. Trained mindfulness expert and MSC teacher, Catherine Polan Orzech, teams up with behavioral sleep specialist, William H. Moorcroft, to offer evidence-based meditations and an four-week protocol to address the root of sleep issues.

Do You Remember?

Self-compassion doesn’t come to life in the land of concepts. It breathes in the unchartered and uncomfortable expanse of living, especially during difficult moments of life. My practice is to remember—pause, breathe, love. As it turns out, when teaching self-compassion to others, I don’t have to know what to say or say the right thing. My job is to open my heart, which opens a door. The rest is not up to me. The door is a portal and often, courageous souls walk through. 

“I Can’t Fix This, But I Can Love You.”

As teachers of MSC, our own embodiment serves as a living model for those whom we teach. In this article, Beth Mulligan shares a touching narrative written by one of her participants as his deep practice in retreat made way for his own inner ally to emerge. 

“How is Your Heart Today?”<br />Compassion at Angola Prison

Touched by the depth of caring and authentic brotherhood he found during a recent trip to Angola Prison in Louisiana, USA, Chris Germer discovered the power of self-compassion to support those suffering under the oppressive weight of shame for their crimes, their incarceration, and their inability to care for their families while in prison. So where must we go from here?

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